Who Wrote K-Family Affairs (2023)

1. K-Family Affairs (2024) | IDFA Festival

  • Nam's debut film, which won the Jury Award at the Taiwan International Documentary Festival, connects her personal history and the history of her country.

  • Family life and politics have always been intertwined for South Korean filmmaker Arum Nam: her parents’ marriage coincided with the first democratic election of a president who was unconnected with the former military regime; Nam herself was born on the first day of the trials against leaders of that regime; and presidential elections are always held on her birthday. The aftereffects of a national disaster and the rise of the MeToo movement present her with a stark choice: will she follow in the footsteps of her activist mother or her patriot father? Nam’s debut film, which won the Jury Award at the Taiwan International Documentary Festival, connects her personal history and the history of her country. She blends videos and news footage to capture her own relationship with South Korea’s turbulent recent past and to critically examine the choices her parents made. She reflects with an open mind on her own political coming-of-age. Nam’s straightforward and playful style captures the spirit of a new generation in the South Korean movement for democracy.

2. K-Family Affairs (2023) - Korean Film Biz Zone

  • NAM A-rum - Director ; Nungcool - Producer ; LEE Hye-rin - Producer ; KWON Ohyeon - Producer ; NAM A-rum - Executive Producer.

  • Arum's parents are part of the proud 386 generation, who played a significant role in achieving democratization in South Korea. Eager to pass on a better world to Arum, her father became a public servant, and her mother, a feminist activist.However, at the age of 18, she came face to face with the Sewol ferry disaster, which left numerous victims due to the malfunctioning national system. To her dismay, even Arum's father was involved in managing the aftermath of the accident, prompting her to question the democracy crafted by the previous generation. Spanning from the Sewol ferry disa...

3. K-Family Affairs | Eye Filmmuseum

  • Kasaba. Nuri Bilge Ceylan | This brilliant, modest drama follows a family from a small Turkish city. In all its simplicity, Kasaba captures the essence of ...

  • A wave of national protests in South Korea presents Arum Nam with a stark choice: will she be a patriot like her father or an activist like her mother? A lighthearted reflection on the director’s political coming-of-age.

4. K-Family Affairs | Eye Filmmuseum

5. K-Family Affairs (2023): Daughter of Democracy - Forum Film Dokumenter

  • The growing wave of protests against the government no doubt made Arum feel that everyone was blaming her father. She  ...

  • On Arum’s 18th birthday, the Sewol disaster happened. The government was considered negligent and slow to evacuate the sinking ship so that 304 lives, most of whom were high school students like Arum,

6. Documentary Review: K-Family Affairs (2023) by Nam A-rum

  • 11 mei 2024 · Nam A-rum skillfully intertwines family dynamics with political history, prompting reflection on generational activism. Amidst her parents' ...

  • "What does patriotism mean to you?" Documentary Review: K-Family Affairs (2023) by Nam A-rum

7. [RIDM] K-Family Affairs – Patriotic Girl - Le petit septième

  • 16 nov 2023 · With K-Family Affairs, Arum Nam manages to deal with complex social issues such as politics, tragedy and women's rights in a light-hearted tone, ...

  • With her first documentary, K-Family Affairs (애국소녀), the young South Korean director pulls off a major coup: telling her country's recent political history through her family's reality.

8. Ragtag Film Society - K-family affairs

  • K-Family Affairs is a heartfelt exploration of South Korea's rich political history and the intricate dynamics of family life. Debut filmmaker Arum Nam, ...

  • K-Family Affairs is a heartfelt exploration of South Korea’s rich political history and the intricate dynamics of family life. Debut filmmaker Arum Nam, sheds light on her parents’ journey as part of the esteemed 386 Generation, celebrated for their contributions to South Korea’s democratization movement. However, Arum’s unwavering faith in her parents and the democracy they championed is shaken after the traumatic Sewol Ferry disaster in 2014 implicates her father, a prominent government official. As Arum focuses the camera on her parents and navigates through the aftermath of this tragedy and subsequent political turmoil, she embarks on a soul-searching journey to understand her generation’s role in shaping justice and democracy. Through an intimate and affectionate lens, Arum captures the essence of her parents’ lives and her own reflections, painting a complex picture of familial bonds and societal responsibilities. (EP)

9. K-Family Affairs - SIWFF Seoul International Women's Film Festival

  • During the time when the world was abuzz with the #MeToo movement, Nam Arum directed a short documentary titled Pink-Femi (2018) that depicted the stories of ...

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10. K-Family Affairs (2024) | IDFA Festival

  • Bevat niet: wrote | Resultaten tonen met:wrote

  • Politiek en familie zijn altijd verweven geweest voor de Zuid-Koreaanse Arum Nam. Het huwelijk van haar ouders viel samen met de eerste democratische verkiezing van een president zonder banden met het voormalige militaire regime; Nam zelf werd geboren op de dag waarop de processen tegen kopstukken van dat regime begonnen en de presidentsverkiezingen worden altijd op haar verjaardag gehouden. De nasleep van een nationale ramp en de opleving van de MeToo-beweging stellen haar voor de keuze: treedt ze in de voetsporen van haar activistische moeder of volgt ze haar patriottische vader? In haar debuut, winnaar van de juryprijs op het Taiwan International Documentary Festival, verbindt Nam haar persoonlijke geschiedenis met die van haar vaderland. Ze vermengt homevideo’s en nieuwsbeelden om haar eigen relatie met de roerige recente geschiedenis van Zuid-Korea te vatten en stelt zich zo kritisch op tegenover de keuzes van haar ouders. Met open blik reflecteert ze op haar politieke coming-of-age. Haar onomwonden, speelse stijl vangt de geest van de nieuwe generatie van de Koreaanse democratiseringsbeweging.

11. K-Family Affairs (2023) - Letterboxd

  • Bevat niet: wrote | Resultaten tonen met:wrote

  • In her first feature-length documentary, filmmaker Nam Arum turns her camera on her parents, two members of South Korea’s 386 Generation. The political activism of this generation came to a head in June 1987 with major protests that forced the authoritarian government to hold universal suffrage elections and implement key democratic reforms. Over 35 years later, the filmmaker reflects on the state of this democracy through a warm-hearted family portrait set against the backdrop of the country’s recent history. Using a personal and intimate cinematic style, Arum examines her father's adherence to conventionality as a high-ranking civil servant and her mother's fervent enthusiasm as a feminist activist. In the midst of these two contrasting dynamics, Arum seeks to discover her own role and how she can contribute to social change.

12. K-Family Affairs - TIDF Award-winning Films

  • Bevat niet: wrote | Resultaten tonen met:wrote

  • Arum's parents, part of South Korea's 386 generation, aimed to secure democracy. But Arum's perspective shifts at 18 with the Sewol ferry disaster. Even her father's involvement in its aftermath prompts her to question inherited democracy. Reflecting on events like #MeToo and impeachment, Arum ponders her generation's role in shaping South Korea's political landscape.  

13. K-Family Affairs - reviews and where to watch - good.film

  • ... K-Family Affairs impacted you? good.film asset. Write a review. More about K-Family Affairs. Languages. Korean. Release date. 15 September 2023. Directors. Nam ...

  • Learn more about K-Family Affairs including where to stream online. Discover movies & shows you’ll actually care about at good.film.

Who Wrote K-Family Affairs (2023)
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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.